Brag (card game)
Brag is an 18th century British card game , and the British national representative of the vying or "bluffing" family of gambling games. It is a descendant of the Elizabethan game of Primero and one of the several ancestors to poker , the modern version just varying in betting style and hand rankings. It has been described as the "longest-standing British representative of the Poker family. Three-card Brag is a simple poker game to play at card rooms around the world or at your favourite online casino. You only need to know the game's rules and how to play before you start. OBJECTIVE OF BRAG: Win the money in the pot by remaining in the hand and/or having the highest ranking hand. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4-8 players NUMBER OF CARDS: 52-card decks How to play Three Card Brag Once the betting rules have been established, gameplay unfolds as follows: Ante bets are placed by all players. The dealer now ...