Brag (card game)


Brag is an 18th century British card game, and the British national representative of the vying or "bluffing" family of gambling games.  It is a descendant of the Elizabethan game of Primero  and one of the several ancestors to poker, the modern version just varying in betting style and hand rankings. It has been described as the "longest-standing British representative of the Poker family.

Three-card Brag is a simple poker game to play at card rooms around the world or at your favourite online casino. You only need to know the game's rules and how to play before you start.


Win the money in the pot by remaining in the hand and/or having the highest ranking hand.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4-8 players

NUMBER OF CARDS: 52-card decks

How to play Three Card Brag

Once the betting rules have been established, gameplay unfolds as follows:

  • Ante bets are placed by all players.
  • The dealer now deals three face-down cards to each player, one at a time.
  • Players look at their cards, not revealing their hand to anyone else. Anyone choosing to play blind can now do so (explained in further detail below).
  • Betting now begins from the left of the dealer. Players have the choice to fold (forfeit their ante bet and eliminate themselves from the game) or bet, which requires any bet amount within the agreed minimum and maximum betting limits, provided it’s equal to the previous player’s bet or higher. If you can’t at least match the size of the bet before you, you must fold.
  • Betting continues as many times around the group as necessary until only one or two players remain in the game. If all but one player folds, that player is the winner and takes the pot. If two players remain, a third betting option now becomes available, known as “see,” which costs double the amount of the previous bet.
  • If you pay to see the other player’s cards, they must now reveal their three-card hand. If your hand is better, you need to prove it by showing it to the table. If your hand is worse or equal, you can fold without having to reveal your cards. In the event of a draw, the player who paid to “see” is the loser.


One of the odd factors of gameplay in Three Card Brag is that cards are rarely shuffled, and are instead simply placed at the bottom of the deck after each round. The only time cards are shuffled is at the beginning of the game and when a round is won with a Prial hand.  카지노사이트 This means technically, if you’re astute enough and familiar with the concept, card counting could be applied in Three Card Brag.

While it’s unlikely players of this casual card game will bother with card counting, recommended Three Card Brag strategy suggests that players should embrace the concept of bluffing. Playing by the odds too rigidly is a sure way to lose quickly, and as bluffing is half the fun of this game, Three Card Brag is a great chance to work on your poker face.

Playing blind should also only be done by experienced players. This is a difficult practice that takes a certain amount of expert knowledge to do well. If you do want to have a crack at betting blind, make it an occasional thing and ensure you’re financially prepared for the likely chance of losing.



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